Remote Counter Reading Systems

     In the past, index values can only be read by going to the point of counters, however today's technology has brought new opportunities for index reading. Changing market conditions and new needs in the energy sector, has led to challenging processes and practices. Remote counter reading system was developed to meet the application requirements in the energy sector and it gathers the remote automatic counter reading and data management functions in the variety of energy applications. The system eliminates the need for data collection that had to be done by going to the point of counter. By means of flexible schedules of the counters, the index information can be read remotely automatically based on programs for the certain days of the week / month, fixed time intervals or continuously. Thanks to the scaling options of the remote index management, the system makes it possible to read data from the number of counters at the same time. Supported communication methods of the counters offer a wide range of communication media which can be used easily. Remote counter reading supports the common communication protocols regardless of the brand and model. Its open architecture and interfaces between business systems and counters serve as a bridge between them.

     Remote counter reading systems can be implemented for the the applications as below;

Automatic Counter Reading

The progresses made in electronic counters for energy data measuring and in communication opportunities provided by today's technology make it possible to read data remotely from the measurement points. Remote automatic counter reading solutions that we provide regardless of the brand and model enables fast, efficient and flawless data collection without the need for going to the site of counters. Storing the data of counters in real time and at short intervals brings new opportunities of implementations easily, that was not possible previously, in the energy sector.

Data Analysis and Reporting

Collected data from the automatic counter reading systems is permanently recorded and can be analyzed in details by the tools we offer. Reporting can be done by our tools that can be installed on users' computers and through the intranet or internet using standard web browsers. The reports prepared by our tools can be saved and outputs can be obtained in most of the today’s standard document formats. Our tools that address a wide range of clients from the energy producers to end-users are responding to the needs of those clients in different roles.


This solution that addresses the energy production companies is based on the customers' energy consumption of the companies, their supply amounts compared with the amount of their production, control of production-consumption balance and the determination of status on the deficit or surplus production. This analysis is carried out using the load profiles of production and consumption counters recorded simultaneously and data collected by our automatic counter reading.


We offer billing solutions for energy generation companies, organized industrial zones and other distribution organizations that supply energy to their consumers. Subscribers/customers, measurement points and contracts can be managed, data forming the invoices can be data transferred to other business systems, or invoices can be printed directly in our billing system.

Fault / Intervention Detection

Fault and interventions of the counters are stored in the counter’s event recording memory and can be detected using remote counter reading system. Early detection of such incidents is of great importance in order to prevent financial losses. 

Lost & illegal use tracking

 Our solution appealing to companies which activate on transmission and distribution is based on comparison of the energy that enters into electricity grid and exits, load profiles of measurement points and analysis of total energy consumptions. Tracking the loss/illegal use points prevents the financial losses. 

Time Synchronization

Data that shall be collected simultaneously from the measuring devices directly affects the multi-application performance and reliability of the results. Simultaneous reading of measuring devices is unable to provide simultaneous data classification in the device memory, especially when load profiles are considered. For that reason, tracking the synchronization problems arising the from the setting errors of measurement devices and from the natural drift errors and performing the time synchronization automatically are becoming essential requirements, considering the number of measurement points in the applications as well.


Some of the references;

The branch offices of Türkiye İş Bank

Aron Transmission Co., Ltd.